(The Sound Utility Block)
A novel, yet functional approach, to an age old standard. Providing Form,Function and FUN, the SUB is more than, a chip off the OLD block!
Update your kitchen with the latest in cutlery technology. Be it streaming recipes, or enjoying coffee and the latest hit songs. The SUB makes your kitchen hip again.
Whether you cook to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, or sautee to Sinatra, make sure your recipe includes... THE SUB!
Please check out this video of the latest in cutlery technology. "The SUB" Form, Function, & "FUN!"
Thank you for visiting this site. Each visit helps the "SUB" get closer to market shelves. We hope to see
you in stores/for sale, very soon.
($0.00 shipping)
An uprade, to a decades old staple. The SUB, is todays kitchen knife block! Boasting newest technologies like
Bluetooth, WiFi and Voice Command, The SUB, is Novel, Functional, Entertaining and FUN! Definitely more than a chip off the old block!
(Functional prototype model only! Must call website number before ordering! Order void without allowance from owner.)